Need a Crypto Exchange? Binance could be a good choice
Anyone can make it simply without Photoshop and using Verif Tools!
Let’s see How to Verify Binance using Verif Tools.
First, you need to top up the verif tools and create an Passport

Choose a payment method that is convenient for you and select the amount.
I recommend amount 5$ or 8.99$!
After completing the top-up, select your country.
There are many countries, but I recommend “Ukraine” among them.

Please enter your surname and given names in English or Cyrillic characters
Then enter your document number (passport number). It is better to enter the numbers randomly.
I recommend using a translator. (Google or Yandex translator)

Please enter your “Date of birth”, “Date of issue”, and “Date of Expiration” in European format (DD.MM.YYYY)

Please enter M or F for “Sex (M or F)” M is Male, F is Female.
“Place of Birth” recommends entering city in Ukraine. (example: Kyiv)
It is recommended to enter the “Record No.” randomly with the first 8 digits and the last 5 digits (example: xxxxxxxx-ooooo)
Enter the “Authority” randomly among 4 digits!
“Optional Data” must be a combination of 2 alphabetic characters and 6 digit numbers. Enter a random 6-digit number.

As for the “Result image Type”, I recommend Photo!
Attach a selfie of yourself to “Photo”. Because most finance services require selfie
When all is done, “pass the Captcha(I’m not a robot)” and click “Generate”. just wait a few seconds… This will complete your Ukraine passport with the verif tools logo.
Then click on the shopping cart to pay for your passport. For $3.99, You Can Get A Ukraine Passport!

Create an account in Binance, and use the Ukraine passport created by verif tools when performing KYC.
Set the country (residence) to Ukraine and the document to Passport.
I passed Binance KYC through Ukraine passport by verif tools
You too will be able to pass KYC!
Good Luck! Thanks you.
Tip: Try to match the size and color of a real passport